First bachelor students visited the electronics designer and manufacturer company ED&A in Kalmthout.
The high quality research of our master students performed at the Rapptor Lab resulted in two awards during the Final Graduation Ceremony. We congratulate ing. David Van Bavegem for the VIrBr Award which he received for his excellent master thesis about 'Implementation of Indoor Localisation Algorithms on FPGA'. We also congratulate ing. Ewald Van Belle for the Siemens Award which he received for his excellent master thesis about 'Integrated Sensorless BLDC motorcontroller using BEMF on an FPGA'.
Third Bachelor and Master Electronic Engineering visited advanced circuit board manufacturer ACB in Dendermonde for an impression of state of the art electronic prototyping. With a guided tour of the factory and an exquisite presentation of the production flow process, students gained valuable insights in PCB manufacturing.